now accepting clients for Homebirth
now accepting clients for Homebirth
I have had many clients have successful vaginal births after prior surgical births. I offer comprehensive prenatal, birth, and postpartum care for your vbac birth in the Sandusky, OH area. We can plan a home birth. I will meet with you to discuss your medical history and will need to see your operative reports from your prior surgery (or surgeries, yes we support vbac after more than one prior cesarean section). If currently in care with an OB/GYN, we will want to see your current records as well. An ultrasound to determine placental location is also necessary.
You are NOT a candidate for out of hospital birth after cesarean with our practice if you:
If we proceed with care for you and your baby, you must know the following:
For best chances of success, we encourage you to take a childbirth education course, allow labor to start with minimal interference, and hire a doula if this is your first drug free vaginal birth.
If you are interested in learning more about my midwifery services or would like to schedule a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be honored to support you on your journey and answer any questions you may have.